Basic #8 Poster #1092

Overview of the creation number 1092 named Basic 8

About the poster Trying to find a good idea to improve the mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic #7 Poster #1091

Presentation of the creation titled Basic 7 with a 3D composition

About the poster Is it a red light speed laser leaving the rectangle? Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic #6 Poster #1090

Digital presentation of the creation titled Basic 6

About the poster Another composition with the same I used to design the previous creations. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic #5 Poster #1089

Presentation of an astonishing creation I created with 3D elements created in Blender App

About the poster I go a step further with this mini-series by exploring a bit complex combinations. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic #4 Poster #1088

Visual presentation of the poster number 1088 named Basic #4

About the poster The mini-series is complexifying its look. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic #3 Poster #1087

Presentation image of the creation number 1087 named Basic 3

About the poster Here is the number three of the mini-series. As the second creation, I used the 3D rocks I made in blender. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic #2 Poster #1086

Presentation of the digital art called Basic 2

About the poster Last month, I created a 3D impossible composition of two geometric pieces of rock with Blender. I didn’t use them for no reason. I decided to make a minimalistic version with that 3D artwork. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Basic Poster #1085

Overview of the poster design number 1085 named Basic

About the poster I didn’t want to continue the mini-series I drew on Apollo’s face, so I created a new design. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind #18 Poster #1084

Presentation of the design named Lost Mind #18

About the poster Only two creations to go before the end of the mini-series. It is done soon! Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind #16 Poster #1083

Lost Mind 17 digital presentation of the illustration

About the poster I realized an easy illustration with the help of Apollo’s statue. Speed Art Video Tutorial