Where To Look #4 Poster #1112

Presentation of the poster titled Where to Look 4

About the poster I continue to explore what is possible to do with David’s statue and its red and blue lights. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Where to Look Poster #1109

Presentation of a minimalist creation I realized from a photograph

About the poster I know! The challenge is named Apollo, so why use the statue of David? No reason. Speed Art Video Tutorial

The Eighth Day Poster #1108

Overview of the graphic creation named The Eighth Day

About the poster That’s too easy! To save time, I’m continuing to create lighting effects with Photoshop, but tomorrow, I’ll stop! Speed Art Video Tutorial

The Seventh Day Poster #1107

Presentation of a poster playing with an abstract blue light

About the poster I will work more on today’s poster. I set many layers under different blend modes to find the right place for each layer.

The Fourth Day Poster #1104

Presentation of the poster number 1104 named The Fourth Day

About the poster I started a mini-series about lighting effects. I already tried that during the first year of the Challenge. Why not continue?

Third-Day Poster #1103

Presentation of the poster I titled The Second Day

About the poster The third poster of the year is another lighting experimentation based on symmetry. Speed Art Video Tutorial