Find Your Style #3 Poster #1148

Presentation of the digital creation number 1148 named Find Your Style 3

About the poster I am continuing the mini-series with the same style. I add different variations to see what is working than what it is not. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Find Your Style #2 Poster #1147

Presentation of the digital art made with markers in Photoshop number 1147 named Find Your Style 2

About the poster Yes, it is the number two. It means it is a new mini-series. A new mini-series with dirty markers brushes. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Find Your Style Poster #1146

Presentation of the poster number 1146 named Find Your Style

About the poster I realized that I am grunge. And of course, I like the style and the music. I also successfully made a spelling mistake on the title. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Dichotomy #10 Poster #1145

Overview of the graphic qualities of poster number 1145 named Dichotomy 10

About the poster I enjoy creating that style. It is visually pleasing too and so playful. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Dichotomy #8 Poster #1143

About the poster One more time, I use a digital tool like if they were analog, and it results in a fun, visually stunning, and playful creation. Speed Art Video Tutorial