Mooned Ink #3 Poster #1162

Overview of the poster number 1162 named Mooned Ink 3

About the poster It is the number three. As for the second version, it is a new variation with different placements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mooned Ink #2 Poster #1161

Presentation of the digital creation number 1161 named Mooned Ink 2

About the poster The second poster of the mini-series is another exploration with the same elements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mooned Ink Poster #1160

Presentation of the poster number 1160 named Mooned Ink

About the poster I used photography of a circle made with ink to design today’s poster. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Ukraine #3 Poster #1159

Presentation of the evolutive creation named Ukraine 3

About the poster It is the third iteration of the evolutive design of the war in Ukraine. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Ukraine #2 Poster #1158

Presentation image of the digital creation number 1158 named Ukraine 2

About the poster This creation will evolve according to the Ukrainian situation. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Ukraine Poster #1157

Presentation of the creation 1157 named Ukraine

About the poster I show graphic support to Ukraine during this time of trouble. A contribution to peace!The poster visually showcases the two flags with the Russian intrusion into Ukraine. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Find Your Style #11 Poster #1156

Digital presentation of the creation number 1156 named Find Your Style 11

About the poster I spent more time scribbling the letters, which is how I developed this style. I also used several brushes. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Find Your Style #9 Poster #1154

Overview of the digital creation number 1154 named Find Your Style 9

About the poster The only way I improved the mini-series was to create the letters with an outline. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Find Your Style #8 Poster #1153

Visual presentation of the poster number 1153 named Find Your Style 8

About the poster I present another creation I realized too quickly. Time is pressure and is too precious to be misspent. Speed Art Video Tutorial