Scribble #2 Poster #1222

Presentation of the poster number 1222 named Scribble 2

About the poster The size of the poster changed. It is a bit longer only. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Scribble #1 Poster #1221

Presentation of the first poster of May named Scribble One

About the poster I started a new mini-series with the last poster I realized for the previous one.I let my daughter suggest I use pink color. Speed Art Video Tutorial

See #20 Poster #1220

Presentation of the poster number 2020 named See 20

About the poster It is the last poster of the mini-series. I like this style so much that I will create a new series specifically for this one. Speed Art Video Tutorial

See #19 Poster #1219

Presentation of the poster number 1219 named See #19

About the poster I enjoy creating that kind of scribbling artwork. I feel the freedom. I also like the visual effect because it looks fresh and explosive. Speed Art Video Tutorial

See #18 Poster #1218

Presentation of the poster number 1218 named See 18

About the poster Scribbling and watercolor painting are things I like to do, but that’s another topic. Speed Art Video Tutorial

See #17 Poster #1217

Presentation of the digital collage creation number 1217 named See 17

About the poster The first creation of the mini-series to be designed on a black background. Speed Art Video Tutorial

See #16 Poster #1216

Presentation of the digital creation number 1216 named See 16

About the poster One more creation for the mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

See #14 Poster #1214

Presentation of the creation number 1214 named See 14

About the poster I forgot to record the screen today. There will be no video to watch.I looked closer at the picture, which looks like a painting.

See #13 Poster #1213

Presentation image of the digital collage number 1213 named See 13

About the poster I finally changed the image to an aerial view of a see. Speed Art Video Tutorial