Fluctuo #6 Poster #1315

Presentation image of the Poster number 1315 named Fluctuo 6

About the poster It differs from yesterday’s creation, which was designed with the same elements. I am looking to generate unity between various components. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fluctuo #5 Poster #1314

Visual overview of the poster 1314 named Fluctuo 5

About the poster I tried to create a centered unity with different elements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fluctuo #4 Poster #1313

Visual overview of the poster 1313 named Fluctuo #4

About the poster I realized another layout and added two large circles in addition to yesterday. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fluctuo #3 Poster #1213

Presentation image of the poster 1213 named Fluctuo 3

About the poster I continue to play with the same elements and explore their weight, unity, and what I can bring out from them to compose an attractive poster. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fluctuo #2 Poster #1311

Visual presentation of the poster number 1311 named Fluctuo 2

About the poster I am sad to like this minimalist color scheme. Same if it is powerful. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fluctuo Poster #1310

Presentation of the creation number 1310 named Fluctuo

About the poster Fluctuo. What is it? What does it mean?If you ask yourself these questions, it’s legit because I invented it. If I had to name the green color I used in this poster, I think Fluctuo is the right word. This poster is directly inspired by a previous creation I made, Flucto, which […]

Transformation #18 Poster #1307

About the poster Today, I used a minimalist and light style for Apollo. I played with pictures of clouds and mountains to enhance the visual. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Transformation #16 Poster #1306

Overview of the poster number 1306 named Transformation 17

About the poster I am waiting for the end of this mini-series. This morning, I did not have much inspiration. Speed Art Video Tutorial