Reload #2 Poster #1345

Overview of a graffiti inspired creation number 1345 named Reload 2

About the poster Are you a fan of the USA? I used the Statue of Liberty and different elements in today’s collage. They are inspired by street and graffiti. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Reload Poster #1344

Digital collage hip hop inspired number 1344 named Reload

About the poster I was thoroughly inspired by street and graffiti. It is an intense and robust creation made in black and white with different elements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

The Bigger Two Poster #1342

Presentation of the collage artwork number 1342 named The Bigger Two

About the poster I used the same elements of yesterday’s collage and added scribble and a cloud. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Nice Pressure Poster #1339

Presentation of the poster number 1339 titled Nice Pressure

About the poster I realized a collage that is modern with some vintage elements. I searched those images in my collection and let myself be inspired by what I found. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Greedy Poster #1338

About the poster I composed this digital collage as a stair with vintage photographs. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Beyond Poster #1337

Digital presentation of the poster number 1337 named Beyond

About the poster It will be a mini-series based on the principle of Collage on different themes, according to the pictures I find. Speed Art Video Tutorial