Geo #30 Poster #1445

Presentation image of the poster number 1445 named Geo 30

About the poster If you ask yourself if the mini-series will end soon, I can’t give you an answer. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #29 Poster #1444

Presentation of the poster number 1444 named Geo 29

About the poster I like playful typographic artwork very much. I had to celebrate the creation of 1444 in some way. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #28 Poster #1443

Visual presentation of the poster number 1443 named Geo 28

About the poster I tried to be as quick as possible today. That’s the result! Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #27 Poster #1442

Presentation of the digital artwork number 1442 named Geo 27

About the poster The mini-series has evolved a lot since the first iteration I created. Because of that, I continue to create with that style for a moment. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #26 Poster #1441

Presentation overview of the poster number 1441 named Geo 26

About the poster Simple overlapping of shapes for an effective result. It looks like the center of a colorful rose. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Poster #1440 Geo #25

Presentation of the poster number 1440 named Geo 25

About the poster Geometric design plays with the balance between elements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #24 Poster #1439

About the poster This poster inspires me to do something better tomorrow. The basic idea is there. Now, I have to polish the look. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #23 Poster #1438

Presentation of the visual artwork number 1438 named Geo 23

About the poster This poster inspires me to do something better tomorrow. The basic idea is there. Now, I have to polish the look. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #22 Poster #1437

Presentation of the poster number 1437 named Geo 22

About the poster I tried a way, and it didn’t work well. So, I changed it, and here is the result. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Geo #21 Poster #1436

Presentation of the poster number 1436 named Geo 21

About the poster It is another minimalist creation. Since I started the mini-series, it has continued to evolve, which means I will continue to create more designs! Speed Art Video Tutorial