Red Car Poster #1495

Presentation of the poster number 1495 named Red Car

About the poster I am starting to enjoy creating collages! Here is one with vintage elements. Music of the Video Freedom Trail Studio Speed Art Video Tutorial

Three Black Tape Poster #1494

Presentation of the digital artwork number 1494 named Three Black Tape

About the poster I am going to become a minimalist creator! Music of the Video Coyote Hearing Studio Speed Art Video Tutorial

White Star Poster #1493

Presentation image of the poster number 1493 named White Star

About the poster Hello, creatives! It is the most minimalist creation I ever made for my Daily Design Challenge in four years. Enjoy!

Heart #2 Center Poster #1492

Presentation of the second creation of the new mini-series named Heart Center Two

About the poster Hello, creatives! For no reason, I continued creating posters with this heart I duplicated. I will continue to explore possibilities by creating a mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Heart Center Poster #1491

Presentation of the poster creation number 1491 named Heart Center

About the poster Hello, creatives!I decided to constrain myself using yesterday’s pictures to create today’s creation. Speed Art Video Tutorial

New Lunar Year Poster #1490

Presentation of the creation number 1490 titled New Lunar Year

About the poster Hello, creatives! I made a new collage after the last mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Liquid #20 Poster #1489

Presentation of the poster artwork number 1489 named Liquid 20

About the poster I wrote the number twenty with the liquified shape. Tomorrow, I’ll find something new to do! Photographer Velroy Fernandes Music of the Video Quincas Moreira’s Website Speed Art Video Tutorial

Liquid #19 Poster #1488

Presentation of the digital artwork number 1488 named Liquid 19

About the poster Minimalist visual artwork with an abstract shape leaving two circles. Like if they were transported. Photographer Velroy Fernandes Music of the Video Quincas Moreira’s Website Speed Art Video Tutorial

Liquid #18 Poster #1487

Overview of the graphic qualities of poster number 1487 named Liquid 18

About the poster I feel a bit uncomfortable when a mini-series ends because I am going into the unknown—a way to expand my comfort zone, maybe. Photographer Velroy Fernandes Music of the Video Quincas Moreira’s Website Speed Art Video Tutorial

Liquid #17 Poster #1486

Overview of the poster creation number 1846 named Liquid 17

About the poster A bit more depth on this one. I will work on overlapping shapes tomorrow. Photographer Velroy Fernandes Music of the Video Quincas Moreira’s Website Speed Art Video Tutorial