Check #9 Poster #1545

Presentation image of the poster number 1545 named Check 9

About the poster The most difficult creation to make is when you are sick with low energy! Finding inner resources takes you to the strengths you don’t have. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Check #2 Poster #1538

Poster presentation number 1538, named Check 2

About the poster The number is an iteration of the first creation with a different pattern and hand. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Check Poster #1537

Visual overview of the graphic creation number 1537 named Check

About the poster I finished the mini-series “Computer Shit” yesterday and had to create a different style. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Computer Shit #20 Poster #1536

Presentation of the poster number 1536 named Computer Shit 20

About the poster Every good thing has an end. This mini-series is done. Come back tomorrow to discover what I will create. Speed Art Video Tutorial