Mister D Poster #1595

Presentation of the poster number 1595, titled Mister D

About the poster Duration: 35 minutes.I didn’t want to use the blue skull one more time because I had already used it twenty-three times. So, I had to change the style and found a nice statue of David to use in today’s creation. Thirty-five minutes is a long time. The difficulty is to find the […]

The Passenger #19 Poster #1591

Visual presentation of the poster number 1591, named The Passenger 19

About the poster One more minimalist design for the mini-series. Twenty-four hours a day seems like you need more. Speed Art Video Tutorial

The Passenger #15 Poster #1587

Presentation of the artwork number 1587, named The Passenger 15

About the poster On this poster, the futuristic shapes are leaving or coming from the center. Speed Art Video Tutorial