Mister D #11 Poster #1605

Presentation of the creation number 1605 named Mister D 11

About the poster Duration: 25 minutes.One more iteration for the mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #9 Poster #1603

Visual presentation of poster number 1603, titled Mister D 9

About the poster Duration: 32 minutes.I love that style. Visually and practically. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #8 Poster #1602

Presentation image of poster number 1602, titled Mister D #8

About the poster Duration: 59 minutes.This creation looks perfect. I like the style. It took time, but it was worth the effort. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #6 Poster #1600

Digital presentation of the poster number 1600 named Mister D 6

About the poster Duration: 47 minutes.I found the style I will use throughout this mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #5 Poster #1599

Presentation of the poster number 1599 named Mister D 5

About the poster Duration: 39 minutes.I enjoy that style, visually and practically. It is fun to create and so playful. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #4 Poster #1598

Presentation of the visual artwork number 4 of the mini-series made with David Statue

About the poster Duration: 27 minutes.I used oblique shapes and triangles to fill today’s canvas. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #3 Poster #1597

Presentation of the poster number 1597, named Mister D #3

About the poster Duration: 24 minutes.It is a colorful and playful creation using liquified shapes and circles over the statue of David. There is a power to use basic shapes and couple them with the curves of a body. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Mister D #2 Poster #1596

Presentation of the poster number 1596, titled Mister D 2

About the poster Duration: 175 minutes.It took me a long time to create a cutout statue of David.. Speed Art Video Tutorial