Golder #3 Poster #1625

Overview of the graphic creation number 1625, named Golder 3

About the poster Duration: 31 minutes.Another aerial and dreamlike creation. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Golder #2 Poster #1624

Presentation image of the poster number 1624, titled Golder 2

About the poster Duration: 33 minutes.One more creation with the weird AI-generated statue of David. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Golder Poster #1623

Visual presentation of the poster number 1623, named Golder

About the poster Duration: 41 minutes.I used three views of the same AI-generated image of David’s statue to compose this poster. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Blue David Poster #1622

Presentation image of the poster number 1622, titled Blue David

About the poster Duration: 36 minutes.One more different style with an AI-generated image of David’s Statue. Speed Art Video Tutorial

The Map Poster #1621

Presentation of the vaporwave inspired creation number 1921, titled The Map

About the poster Duration: 32 minutes.Nice contemporary vaporwave-inspired creation with a statue, futuristic elements, and basic geometric shapes. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Square & Circle Poster #1619

Digital presentation of the poster design number 1619, named Square & Circle

About the poster Duration: 32 minutes.It is the continuation of the mini-series with a different style. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Worms #4 Poster #1618

Visual presentation of the poster creation number 1618, named Worms 4

About the poster Duration: 41 minutes.The combination of David’s extended shapes works nicelly with that style. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Worms #3 Poster #1617

Visual presentation of poster number 1617, titled Worms 3

About the poster Duration: 26 minutes.One more creation, in green. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Worms #2 Poster #1616

Presentation image of poster number 1616, titled Worms 2

About the poster Duration: 37 minutes.I implemented some new ideas. Speed Art Video Tutorial