Week-End Poster #1635

Presentation of the poster number 1635, titled Week-End

About the poster Duration: 30 minutes.It is a fun and absurd creation using the repetition of two elements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Flower Flow Poster #1632

Visual presentation of Flower Flow poster number 1632

About the poster Duration: 47 minutes.Grunge is a style I like to play with. I use vectors and brushes to compose this messy visual. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Here We Are #2 Poster #1631

Poster presentation number 1631, titled Here I Am 2

About the poster Duration: 30 minutes.Grunge, dirty, and spray paint brushes coupled with handmade typography and the statue of Apollo. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Here We Are Poster #1630

Presentation of the creation number 1630, titled Here We Are

About the poster Duration: 31 minutes.That is really one of my go-to design style. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fractal Minds #3 Poster #1629

Presentation of the poster number 1629, titled Fractal Minds 3

About the poster Duration: 38 minutes.I re-used parts of yesterday’s creation to be faster and save time. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fractal Minds #2 Poster #1628

Presentation of the poster creation number 1628, titled Fractal Minds 2

About the poster Duration: 81 minutes.Aerial artwork. The statue of Apollo is emotionnally conected to this daily design challenge. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Fractal Minds Poster #1627

Overview of the visual creation number 1627 named Fractal Minds

About the poster Duration: 77 minutes.I explore a style I created during the challenge’s first year. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Golder #4 Poster #1626

Presentation of the digital artwork number 1626, titled Golder 4

About the poster Duration: 37 minutes.I am not a fan of this statue. I’ll stop to use them soon. Speed Art Video Tutorial