Resolve #7 Poster #1712

Overview of the creation number 1712, named Resolve 7

About the poster Duration: 4 minutes.The central shape doesn’t work in grey. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Resolve #6 Poster #1711

Presentation of the creative design number 1711, named Resolve 6

About the poster Duration: 24 minutes.The mini-series looks incredible, and I want to explore that style further. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Resolve #5 Poster #1710

Presentation image of the poster creation number 1710, named Resolve 5

About the poster Duration: 24 minutes.Finding the right shapes to complete the “rainbow” was the challenge of this creation. The result is good, and the visual looks playful. Same with the old color scheme. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Resolve #4 Poster #1709

Presentation of the poster number 1709, named Resolve 4

About the poster Duration: 15 minutes.I used the same color scheme and applied it to a different layout. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Resolve #3 Poster #1708

Presentation of the poster number 1708, named Resolve 3

About the poster Duration: 23 minutes.This one is a geometric experimentation about the layout. Look at the video—a video I hope to post soon— to understand how I ended with this result. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Resolve #2 Poster #1707

Overview of the graphic creation number 1707, named Resolve 2

About the poster Duration: 22 minutes.Some experimentation with the number two of a new mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Earth Poster #1706

Presentation of the poster number 1706, named Earth

About the poster Duration: 23.The primary inspiration for this creation came from an image of our planet. Then, I played with filters, blending modes, and color manipulation. Speed Art Video Tutorial