Seven Poster #1755

About the poster Duration: 26 minutes.Composition I realized with the number Seven. Members on Patreon can watch the video at a normal speed. Music TrackTribe Speed Art Video Tutorial

Six Poster #1754

Overview image of the poster number 1754, named Six

About the poster Duration: 27 minutes.I centered all elements on the canvas and spent more time on design, resulting in an impressive visual. Members on Patreon can watch the video at a normal speed. Music TrackTribe Speed Art Video Tutorial

Five Poster #1753

Overview of the graphic creation number 1753, named "Five"

About the poster Duration: 18 minutes.Another variation of the previous posters. Members on Patreon can watch the video at a normal speed. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Three Poster #1751

Presentation image of the poster design number 1751 named "Three"

About the poster Duration: 19 minutes.I don’t know I mess to publish the poster 1752 before the 1751, but I did it! Speed Art Video Tutorial

Four Poster #1752

Visual overview of the poster number 1752, named Four

About the poster Duration: 7 minutes.It is the minimalist creation of the mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Two Poster #1750

Presentation image of the poster number 1750 named Two

About the poster Duration: 21 minutes.I added a figurative element. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Le Onze Poster #1749

Overview of the graphic qualities of the poster number 1749, named Le Onze

About the poster Duration: 15 minutes.The style is a little bit messy. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Zero Poster #1748

Visual presentation of the poster creation number 1748 named Zero

About the poster Duration: 21 minutes.It is grunge and it is a change from the previous designs. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Numberz #7 Poster #1747

Overview of the graphic creation number 1747, named Numberz 7

About the poster Duration: 3 minutes.A quick variation with the numbers I used for the previous designs.