Otherside Poster #245

Finally a day where I can breathe a little bit and take time for myself, it didn’t happen often these last months. Always in a rush to do this, finish that, care that and so on. Today I am proud to present you my the creation I freshly made​. It is about a ​constructivist and cubist vision of the picture of Apollo’s Statue.

The Design

I imported all of the pictures of Apollo that I have into my file as well as a soft grey paper pattern that I used as a background. I also was about to use the picture of an old book where someone wrote inside in English and with a vintage style if I can use that turn of phrase. I finally didn’t use it because of the book’s colors. If I had to manipulate them, it would look unatural.

What can we do with paper? It is the question I answer by cutting several areas inside Apollo’s Statue and superimpose each of them in a way that some lines meet other lines. It is also a surrealist vision; it becomes​ an abstraction since I superimpose the second and third slice of Apollo.


Speed Art Poster #245

245 posters made since January 2019, and the number is growing everyday — logic! I am the first surprised by that huge number.

For the two hundred forty fifth times, you can take a look at the Speed Art Video #245 I made today if you are curious about how I made it. Have a nice day and see you tomorrow for poster number 246!​