Mischievous Poster #223

Today’s Poster is an experimental abstraction between organic, geometric forms, pixel and vector.

The Design

I wasn’t inspired, and I didn’t want to do it. It is Sunday; I saw some members of my family​, I talked to them and that didn’t help me to start today’s poster.
I started poster number 223 at​ the end of the afternoon thirty minutes before going to eat — like if I need to have a break 30 minutes after the start.

After Finding some excuses to don’t start to design poster 223, I opened Photoshop to see if the inspiration will come to me. It only shows its teeth a little bit after a moment. Fortunately, she came; unfortunately, she left quickly. It was a tedious time.

I came with something which looks like an organized mess with a strange color combination. I made it like an unhappy factory worker who doesn’t want to do his job. The reason why it is so painful comes from the fact that I love to do design. I realized that have a break is important. I want to say that it is vital to​ renew inspiration and learn new things. I will do it these days!

Speed Art Poster #221

A though day designing a poster. Very warm until the rain comes and makes the temperatur down.

Hope you will be curious about the speed art video number 223.
I am happy to finish today’s poster and I hope I will find inspiration for tomorrow’s poster 224!