Looking at You Poster #160

by | Jun 9, 2019

Another Minimalist and Typographic Poster​ made in a bold style and halftone with vivid triadic colors.

The day passed so fast, too fast. There are​​ days like those. Time flies​ when you are captivated by what you are doing. And when you realize how much time you spend on, you know you won’t ​catch that time back. Whatever, this is time well spend.

Unfortunatly it wasn’t for today’s poster. Instead of that, I was designing a book for an artist. I am in a hurry to finish it to see the book printed and introduce it to you.

The design

The colors are so flashy and vivid that they already​ let me know I won’t like them anymore next week. I feel I will hate them as much as ​indigestion. No matter next week, today, I like them. I was about to set a vintage cream color as a background and finally changed my mind for the better I believe​.

I quickly came up with these vivid colors and started by modifying the picture of Apollo to a Halftone image in the Filters options. I selected the white colors the filter ​let and remove it. I inverted​d the selection and paint it with a large blue pencil​.

Then I started to play with typography and searched the better variation of the font. I choose​ a compressed italic version for the dynamic​ brings to the poster. Later, I simply arrange​ the text to look good.

Speed Art Poster #159

Watch the Speed Art Video won’t take you a long time today, ​and there is no hard skill that you can take off too. But, who knows? Maybe you will be able to take something from the process.
Have a nice day and see you tomorrow for the poster number 161!