Intrinsic Poster #221

Yesterday I didn’t want to write something because I was too tired, I am still under the jetlag effect. Today’s Poster looks messy with many different types of effect and colors.

The Design

As often when starting a poster, I have no idea about what I will do, and how it will look like the final result. To inspire me about the colors I used Adobe Color to make this task easier — ok, it was for saving some time!

I​ Made​ a large and pink rectangle to create a new space inside the canvas. I drew a fine form with the pen tool in purple and drew some lines with the Brush Tool inside. I added gradient from purple to transparent purple on Apollo’s Statue, Lines on the right, duplicated the picture by cutting inside, and I added typography that I also cut and duplicated above and bellow.

I created another straight form on the left of the pink rectangle and duplicated it to generate the same form only with its outline. I duplicated and slightly modified this shape to put it on the right corner.

To Finish​ the poster I deal with placement and sizes between elements. I added some circles to contrast with the lines and the title.

Speed Art Poster #221

One day late to post this poster. Too tired again and still feel the six hours jetlag between China and Switzerland.

If you are interested in how I created today’s poster, take a look at the speed art video I made.
Today, I will make poster 222. Stay in touch!