Implosion Poster #224

These days I enjoy creating abstract and experimental Poster Design. Combining Photoshop Filters​​, change their options and see what happens can sometimes surprise you.

The Design

Implosion Poster is mysterious​, enigmatic, disturbing, ghostly​, vibrant… A transition between several plights​ of becoming something else, something strange, something no one had, have, and will never see. Apollo’s silhouette is recognizable once in a time​, suddenly not, passing from substance to intangible, stable and eternal until​ unstable and ephemeral.

I create and capture an instant like if I stop this moment to take a mind-picture, and apply this image on the canvas. A micro-second captured and represented visually inside the poster that I can show proudly to the world. ​

The process wasn’t clear, it was experimental, and the luck factor was a huge part in the success of this creation. I am fine with that because it took me time to provocate this luck. It comes from me and the software I used to create these effect that I superimposed on and under each other. I did it with the help of the machine with the help of my skills, knowledge, and heart. I didn’t only spend time while creating it, I lost something, and that brings me something new that I’ve earned. I gained it the hard way, but I am victorious over myself.​

Speed Art Poster #224

Felt as a poet writing​ the description today! Hope you enjoy it because it comes from the bottom of my heart, and the feelings I had while creating poster number 224.

The speed art video number 224 is maybe less poetic, but at least, you will know how I create Implosion Poster.
See you tomorrow for poster number 225!
