I Can’t Hear You Poster #366

About the Poster

It is time to say goodbye to the pictures of Apollo with this new year. I renowned the Challenge Apollo 2020. I know, there is a lack of originality and creativity, but it is an explicit name.

So, yes! I decided to continue working on the posters because it is a nice warm-up for the rest of the day.
Like I said last year, I will start to write less about my posters, or not, it depend on the mood. The things I don’t want is to feel it is an obligation.

You understood! The objective is to feel free and save time to create better designs without spending the whole day on my poster. I also wanted to avoid an additional amount of work that I don’t want to assume.

Poster speed art

I hope that you liked the videos I made, because like last year, I will continue to record myself. That mean you will be able to take a look at the video of the making-off. Take it like a tutorial where you can watch me creating every poster from the start to the end, every button and option I hit.
I do that in case if that can inspire someone, give ideas or simply for the pleasure of the eyes.