I am catching up on my lateness by working harder and more intelligent. I won’t be able to take some free time for myself these days, and I want it badly!
I only want to read a book or spend more time with my daughter!
The Design

Today’s poster is playful and colorful. I let my imagination go everywhere she wanted, which is the result. After 30 minutes, I started the design. I was about to stop but wasn’t satisfied with what I did. I decided to dig deeper and find a visual solution that looked good. I finally did it by trying to add some other elements, such as circles, typography, and a colorful background made with a Gradient set under Noise.
Sometimes, when you work on something, you have to put your expectations and ego away from what you are doing. Don’t think if it is good; do it, and then, when you have something concrete, start criticizing your work with the fundamentals of graphic design. Once you do that, you can go further and beyond. If you don’t have something under your eyes and question every little element you add, it will be challenging to do something you like.
Speed Art Poster #269
It is such a busy day! I caught up on my lateness about yesterday’s poster—this one—and continued working hard all day for a customer.
Same Late. I am as motivated as ever to create good stuff and share it! So, look at Speed Art poster #269, comment, and see you tomorrow for Poster #270!