French Kings Poster #151

Presentation image of the digital art creation poster number 151 named French Kings

When you allow yourself to freestyle, you can sometimes get good results. I think this Poster Design did that today.

The design

Fun and playful design number 151 French Kings made with bright colors
French King, Poster #151

I had no particular idea before starting “French Kings.” The name naturally came to mind while I positioned elements, and the colors whispered the name to my ears.

The colors are bright, intense, and challenging to mix​ because they blow​ the eyes. Creating a​ poster with them together was a challenge. That’s why I used them, even if I initially doubted this choice.

To change things up a bit from usual, I added more text on the canvas to generate a complex layout and increase the viewer’s interest. The poster has a lot of stuff on it, which works well together; the ​contrast wasn’t a problem. The problematic part was harmoniously placing the vibrant pink without being too much.

Speed Art Poster #151

I am making a Speed Art Video about the Apollo 365° Challenge daily. So, if you like today’s poster and want to know how I realized it, watch the video, and you will know!
Thank you for coming to see you tomorrow for the poster #153!