Floridian Memphis

by | Mar 3, 2019

Time fly and it’s already the poster design #62. I am starting to get tired to see Apollo’s head everywhere on every poster. It starting to take too much place on the design process and its figurative attributes are killing my vibes.

That said, I started by isolating Apollo’s head inside a yellow pastel rectangle with a thick dark purple stroke that I duplicate two times for creating​ the illusion of layers. I wanted to use only a few elements from Memphis Style without saturating​ the eyes with thousand of a ​repeated pattern. After I finish to play with ​colors, I created two patterns​ in Illustrator, the dots and the quarter circles.

I use two different blending mode to separate the background and finished by add typography “Apollo 365°“.

Floridian Memphis Speed Art Poster Conception #62

It was a great day designing this poster #62. No trouble except my VPN doesn’t work since yesterday. I will probably inspire myself about that fact to create a poster.
Enjoy the video speed art and see you tomorrow for the poster number 63!