There are a thousand things to do daily, and deciding whether to work or chill can be tricky. Should you feel guilty or burned out? Should you take your time or continue to learn? The choice is yours, and the consequences are yours, too.
The goal is to find the right balance between our job, family, free time, sports…
The Design

As I said in an older article, I am in a hurry to finish this year because of Apollo’s picture. On the other hand, I feel that I don’t want to change. I know, it’s a contradiction.
I didn’t know what to do this morning to realize today’s poster. So, as usual, I opened my recording software and Photoshop. I placed the picture of Apollo in the center and added a gradient background. I created a large circle and used the pixelated effect Mozaic in Photoshop. Then, I cut Apollo’s face and forgot to save the entire face.
It seemed a problem for the first time. I was about to open the picture and insert it again on my canvas, but then I thought it should not be a problem. I decided to continue to design the poster using the part I had from Apollo.
Of course, ideas came to my mind while putting elements here and here on the poster, and the process became easy to design.
Speed Art Poster #363
The Emptiness poster may be interesting to watch. As you probably know, I created a speed art video tutorial for every poster I made. Look at it, hit the thumbs-up button, and tell me your thoughts about my work.
I will create poster #364 tomorrow, so come check it out! Have a nice day!