Digital Albedo Poster #123

by | May 3, 2019

I am glad to present to you my new poster design titled Digital Albedo which features geometrical forms, colorful gradients, patterns and typography.

The design

I create Digital Albedo with two words in mind, the universe and digital. I want to generate a feeling of space and layering. All of that with a contrast between dark colors and colorful gradient.
I begin the poster by creating a large dark grey circle followed by a gradient as a ​background.​

Then I use Illustrator to create lines as a pattern and blend two white curved lines with a grey background. I drag and drop them in Photoshop and start to arrange their size and position. I duplicate the dark grey circle I firstly made and apply a Gaussian Blur Filter behind to create a shadow. I reproduce some circle with a smaller size and arrange them in different places and behind forms. I scatter Apollo 365 letter in bold around the forms with a light grey. Later I duplicate the letters in a smaller size in white with a normal variation of the typeface. Without forgetting Apollo’s Statue that I integrate into a pixelated gradient.​

Speed Art Poster #123

Hope you like the style of Digital Albedo poster. If so, you can take a look at the speed art video I made to notice how I processed.
I thank you for being ther​e, and I invite you tomorrow to discover the poster #124!