Desert Voice

Presentation image of the Poster #50 Desert Voice

Today is February 19th, 2019. I am pleased to present you with Poster Design #50. Yes,​ I have made 50 posters since the beginning of 2019.
I love space! It is ​a fantastic place that allows​ me to invent stuff​. Here is why stars, Martian​ landscapes, ​and the incredible colors in the Univers inspire some of my posters. It’s an infinite​ source of inspiration.

This was about choosing​ the right colors and coupled with the correct blend mode, no more. I added a starry background with a square​ grid that I duplicated to give it a spherical aspect.

Desert Voice Speed Art Poster Conception

Creative poster design #50 titled Desert Voice
Poster #50 Desert Voice

Translating an idea and feeling into something concrete in design isn’t easy. I take time, and it becomes​ frustrating​ when you don’t obtain what you want.

Whatever the difficulties, the goal is to try and fail repeatedly until one obtains satisfaction. I did that with today’s poster, and I am proud to present it to you!
Have a nice day, and see you tomorrow for poster number 51!

Desert Voice Poster Speed Art