Coronavirus #6 poster #412

Visual of the 3D poster realized with a second version of the Coronavirus's cell

About the Poster

Some days ago, I bought and downloaded a second version of the Coronavirus cells and decided to create something with it today. To start the creation, I work and arrange my cells into Blender. I duplicated many times the cell and rotated it on Y, X, and Z axes. Like that, they don’t appear the same way and look different. In addition to that, the 3D light allows me to generate depth quickly within Blender. It saves a lot of time because if I realized it in Photoshop, it would cost me a ton of extra work.

I had trouble with Blender because I put the texture file in another folder. As a result, I lost the texture on every cell and didn’t find a way to put it back on each time. It is tedious and time-consuming, and it is unnecessary work. I am sure there is a better solution than duplicating the cell, such as creating occurrences of them to change their texture with one click.

Poster speed art

My VPN isn’t working, and there is no way to connect to YouTube! That means you have to wait until I can upload the video.
At least I can publish the poster here. Tomorrow, I will create poster number 413. Don’t forget to take a look!
Have a nice day!

Music Credit

Amulets (YouTube) made another video and another piece of music. He named his song Length of Light.