C-600 Poster #461

About the Poster

I continue the mini-series about stuff in the Universe with the poster number 461. Here is the scheme of an evolving and mutating particle. We can visually appreciate its transformation in its shapes and looking at the point it has reached along the way, as well as what impact he generates on itself.

The particle moves so fast that she interacts with herself, creating different shapes in her past and her future at the same time. This two-point in space are close due to the speed she generates. Means the past and future of the particle can change, or not change according to what already happens and will happen.

I stop fantasy now!
It was so much fun to design this poster and I love how it looks time. He bring me some troubles with layers and overlapping shapes. Especially when my daughter came to ask something. Usually, it is possible to focus on her saying and continue to design. But not that time

Music Credit

Blue Macaw is a song I used many times to company my videos. The man behind this song is the Composer Quincas Moreira (Youtube).