It was another busy weekend with many things to do, and this is good. If you want to know, my elbow still hurts me very much! I can’t play basketball or even exercise. It’s a sad story, I know.
The Design

As you notice, today’s poster looks blue. It is expected, don’t worry! Because the weather here in China is still hot, I helped myself feel cooler by making a poster that looks fresh.
I started by creating a large vertical blue rectangle in the center of the canvas. I cut it diagonally on the bottom to generate two pieces. I then created a new layer above the picture of Apollo and put a blue rectangle to cover the picture. I set the Blend modes of the layer on Overlay to get this blue style on the image.
Then, I started to add many geometric shapes and cut Apollo’s head. I also duplicated the picture and the large rectangle on the background to apply a Gaussian Blur to add depth.
To finish the design, I added many forms with different sizes and some typography on the bottom and top of the poster. The geometric forms and the whole poster were simple to make. Finding the right placement is another story!
Speed Art Poster #271
I am in a hurry to go to bed. I am getting more tired every day, as if I have accumulated tiredness for an entire month.
Let’s Say it another time! I am glad to present you with my last speed art poster, #271. If you want to see how I created the Blur Horizon Poster, look—it will interest you!
See you tomorrow to discover Poster 272!