Beau Haus #7 Poster #451

About the Poster

A subtle inclination change applied on the geometric shapes provides a strong visual impact to Beau Haus Poster #7. A way like another to improve the next poster of the mini-series.

Yesterday, I tried flat 3D with the shapes, but it didn’t work well. I realize only after creating the poster that I should duplicate the grid one more time on the top and the bottom to create more shapes. You can feel the grid now on the top; it looks too straight. I will remember that for realizing tomorrow’s poster!

Poster speed art

Same process, same style of video!
If you didn’t take a look at the previous videos, maybe this one will inspire you!
Come back tomorrow to discover Beau Haus #8!
Have a nice day!

Music Credit

Because the theme of the mini-series is relatively old, I am using Jazz music to company the videos. Today’s song is titled Tiptoe Out the Back and has been made by Dan Lebowitz (Youtube).