Beau Haus #5 Poster #449

About the Poster

Here is the modern and geometric posters design #5 inspired by a poster made for an exhibition of the Bauhaus.

Today, I duplicated the grid I used until now to create the previous posters to obtain smaller squares to play with. I mean that there are more options to choose with more squares.

It is the only change I added to this mini-series for now. Take a look at the video below to see how I created it. It is not complicated to do that kind of creation, but it is less easy to make it look good.

Poster speed art

Today’s video is a bit longer than the other videos of the mini-series Beau Haus.
Come back tomorrow to discover Beau Haus number 6! See you soon!

Music Credit

When I was creating the video, the wifi wasn’t good enough to download a new song. I selected a song I already used on a previous video. The music is named Respecognize and has been made by Diamond Ortiz (Youtube).