Aurora Graphics #6 Poster #181

Poster desing presentation number 181

Poster creation number 6 of the mini-series named Aurora Graphic. As you notice, I used pink to create this new poster.

The Design

Creative and abstract poster design named Aurora Graphics 6
Poster #181 Aurora Graphics #6

To add contrast, I added a pink fluid on top of the other fluid forms to generate more contrast, and it was time. Because this light pink is fresh and looks​ nice. I made ​full use of Photoshop layers to obtain this effect of fluid. After using​ the Filter, Fluidify, I copy and paste the layer behind and on the top of the fluid form with a Gaussian blur effect.

You must test ​the blending mode options to get a good result. I used two layers of Gaussian Blur: the top for the light and the bottom for the shadow. Once I created three fluid forms, I tried to find a ​geometric form to fill the background and make it more interesting. For example, I used a thin, light blue on the left and two pink horizontal rectangles​ to contrast with the blue of the fluid forms.

Then, I added several small rectangles between the fluid forms to add more depth to the canvas​.

Speed Art Poster #181

On the right, you can appreciate the Speed Art Video I made today while creating the poster.
Thank you for coming here and meeting me tomorrow for poster number 182!