
by | Mar 6, 2019

To realize today’s poster I explored​ Channels’s colors in Photoshop mixed with two other pictures of Apollo’s head. Dealing with gradients to mask or show red, green and blue channels to see what happens when mixing​ together.​

After being satisfied with the result, I add a typographic layout above the picture and duplicate the text two times in red and blue colors and change their blending mode to create a glitch effect.

The ​combination​ between the three Apollo’s heads is interesting and intriguing because of the channels colors let appear and hide different part on each picture​. I would be lying if I told you that I did know what the result will be and looks like. One of the best ways of learning is doing, exploring and mixing options until pieces of information​ penetrate inside your brain. It will become​ a soft skill and a way to master your own style.

Attitude Speed Art Poster #65

A pretty good day to design a poster and re-discover Photoshop Channels!
I like this minimalist design, the halftone effect create a kind of motion between the pictures. It’s an alive poster!

I want to say thanks to the people who follow, comment my work and enjoy to watch my posters process.
Have a nice day! See you soon for the poster #66!