Apollo 15 Pastelight

by | Jan 15, 2019

For the Poster Design #15 I wanted to use Pastel colors. They are visually sweet and well known for their ability to soothe irritated graphic designers eyes.

About The Poster Design #15

Pursuing this affirmation I started by cut out Appolo’s head as well as a surgeon would chopped inside flesh and while I was doing this I felt I should show what can look like Apollo’s brain.

I easily selected a bunch of pastel colors with which I played and applied with a linear warm gradient for the background and a green radial gradient with transparency for the bottom left.
I finally apply a little noise transparency on the top of my layers for unify the whole elements.

Apollo looks like a biblical representation with its aureole above its head. I noticed a while after made it.

Pastelight Creation
Making Off

Today’s Poster Design was satisfying in terms of design, compositions with the geometric forms and the time passing to work on “Pastelight”.

Like I always said it, I hope you will enjoy to watch the poster design’s conception and I wish it will inspire you! See you tomorrow for the number #16.