Sower Poster #249

Two posters ago, I did a kind of construction with different pictures of Apollo. The result was so nice that I decided to tried it again with a different mindset and idea. The restult is good and as usual, deserve some more working hours.

The Design

The concept is pretty simple, and I am sure that you already saw something similar before. Nothing new under the sun! But, the composition is different, the images, and sizes are too. The arrangement is different.

I imported all of my pictures of Apollo, and I started to select the ​ area inside. I copy and paste some part of them and dispose of​ them near each other. The important things there is to play with the negative space between the rectangles. They create most of the poster’s dynamic. The rectangles of Apollo play a role too, but they have less impact than ​space. The most impact you can generate with them​ is to contrast​ each piece with a large difference of size.

Speed Art Poster #249

Another day going late to bed. Many things to do, and not enough hours on my day.

Same if today’s poster is not so complicated, take a look at the Speed Art Video #249 to get inspiration.
Come there to check poster #250 tomorrow! Have a nice day!​