Ridge Poster #228

There are days when everything is going well. Nothing perturbative​ comes to you about inspiration and motivation. Same if it is going fine, you can’t find the time for yourself. Today was one of these days. Designing Ridge Poster didn’t take me a long time, and this is maybe the reason why it looks so fresh and dynamic.

The Design

When I said nothing perturbative, it was about creativity, or the black cloud of feelings stuck going on my head. There were​ many little disturbing moments during the day. These little moments which brings you out of what you are doing without your notice until you realize that you are doing something else than what you must do. After, it takes some minutes to focus again on your work, to catch back the work where you let it, and find what you were about to do.

These days, I am trying to improve my aptitude to focus and don’t let or allow external event disturbing me such as noise, phone call, internet, and family — only during my working time!
It sounds like an excuse to don’t do better work or spend more time on my posters, but you know how life is. It is out of your control.

Speed ​Art Poster #228

It is good to design a poster under the sun. It was a warm and sunny day.
Just like everyday since I started this Daily Design Challenge, you can take a look at the Speed Art Video #228 to know how I realized it.
I also invite you tomorrow to take a look on the poster design number 229!
